Spirit Animal Medicine Sessions

Terms of Service

By reviewing and signing this Terms of Service for Animal Spirit Medicine Sessions, you agree to the following:

  • To be present, respectful and accountable during our session time (phone meetings only)

  • To let me know if you cannot continue with the session (illness, emergency, Act of God)

  • To be responsible for recording the session if you desire and any note taking

  • To acknowledge that the information/guidance coming from your session is provided by your Spirit Animal and not Akashic Bec herself and that any decisions made based off this guidance is of your own free will

  • To acknowledge that any information/guidance is meant to help or improve your life and not to harm you in anyway, and is provided with love for your highest and best good

  • To let Akashic Bec know if you have any questions or concerns

How To Prepare and What to Expect:

  • Please have paper, pen, and any items you feel necessary such as water, crystals, sage, etc. prior to session

  • If you have any specific questions you’d like to ask Spirit, please have them ready prior to session

  • Do not take any substances unless prescribed and do not drink any alcohol prior to or during session

  • Cleanse your space before session to clear out any stagnant energies, you can do this by blessing the space, physically cleaning, saging, inncense, holy water/Florida water, or however you feel most comfortable

  • It would be great to meditate beforehand but it’s not necessary

  • Please perform your session in a private spot in a place you feel safe and comfortable

  • The session is channeled by Akashic Bec, she will be sharing whatever messages come through and identify your Spirit Animal Guide. This is not in the Akashic Records, this is done through her Higher Self

  • Your Guide will share whatever messages need to be shared with you at this time and your Spirit Animal Guide will bless you with their medicine (reiki and blessings.) You must say you accept or you do not accept this. While this happens, you may feel warm, tingly, shifted, enveloped, lifted, emotional, or see things in your vision. Know this is a normal occurrence during this process

  • Once the session is complete, take some time to self care and integrate these energies

  • If you have any questions afterwards please let Akashic Bec know

Examples of questions you can ask your Spirit Animal:

  • What do I need to know for my highest and best good at this time?

  • How can you help me with (insert situation here?)

  • Why did you choose to be my guide?

  • Are there any other animal guides in my totem? (You may ask about them but if they do not come through you may not force this)

By filling out the form below you agree to the terms of service: