Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Questions about Akashic Record Readings
What are the Akashic Records?
World renowned psychic Edgar Cayce referred to the Akashic Records as “God’s Book of Remembrance,” and it is essentially a meta-physical super computer containing the details of every single person’s life, every location’s existence, every event great and small. It’s the knowledge of our souls. It’s a tapestry of what makes each person who they are. It ties together every plane of existence. The Akashic Records, to me, is what shows us our connection to one another in an individual way.
How are you able to access my Records?
First and foremost, I must have your explicit permission to access your Records. Secondly, when we go into meditation, I am able to connect to your energy frequency. I remain a neutral channel for your Higher Self and any of your Guides who communicate through me the contents of your specific Records. I am only able to see and share what they show me, nothing more. They communicate with me via my spiritual gifts of clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience and clairsentience. Trust is very important in this process! My Higher Self journeys into the Quantum Field and is able to access the Akashic Records.
What questions should I ask during my reading? How do I need to frame my questions?
Know that there are no “shoulds” when it comes to the Records! You may ask whatever it is you’re willing to know about, and if you’re in a space where you are ready to hear it, an answer will be provided. Examples of common questions clients ask include:
What is my purpose in this incarnation/lifetime?
Where did I incarnate to Earth from (starseed origins)?
Why am I connected to insert name of person or relationship here?
What talents and gifts do I carry in this life that have been with me for other lifetimes?
What is my soul contract or karma with name of person?
What past life is most influencing this current incarnation?
Truly the list of available questions is endless!
How many questions can I ask during my session?
Truthfully, as many as will fit with in a session. Sometimes your questions get answered before you even ask!
I want a reading but I don’t really have any questions I want to ask. Is that ok?
Yes! That is perfectly ok! If you just want to recieve the information that is ok as well. You may inevitably have questions, which most do, and its totally fine to ask away!
Can I ask questions in the Records for my loved ones?
You can only ask questions for yourself however, you can ask about your connections to others and how to best support them.
I’m nervous! How can I calm my nerves before and during my session?
It’s perfectly understandable and normal to feel nervous before accessing your records! It could help to know whatever information that comes through is not meant to harm you but is for your highest good. Having your records read is a beautiful experience! Yes, it can get emotional but it can also give you so much reassurance about the path you’re on. We will go at the pace that’s comfortable for you. You do NOT have to ask any questions that you’re not ready to know the answer to.
What can I expect during a reading?
Prepare to meet your Guides! Your Guides take us on a journey that is informative, amazing, sometimes funny! I share all the details great and small and share exactly as I see, hear and feel. There will be past life information, connections to loved ones, thoughts on your purpose and so much more. I conduct all my sessions the same way, but the information is unique to you! Sometimes I have loved ones from this lifetime come through as well and you’re able to communicate with them directly. Your Guides can give you reiki healing and cut cords for you as well. Your Guides can also help you navigate your present and future, although you are always creating your future in every moment, so there’s no way to fully predict an outcome. They give the advice that will be for your highest and best good. Note: Sessions are for entertainment purposes only and you should always use your discretion any time you have a session with anyone.
Do you record your sessions? May I record mine?
Yes, you are most welcome to record your session, in fact, I encourage it! I offer to record if desired but I do not keep them once I send them to you. I also encourage you to take notes.
FAQs about Numerology Readings:
What is numerology?
Numerology is the study of numeric vibrations and how they effect facets of people’s day to day life. Each number in the universe has an energetic signature. Every letter and number in your life - from your birthday to your address - carries with it a specific energetic language. The universe itself is like a special code to decipher. The numbers don’t lie! It’s a fascinating web of meaning and understanding.
What does a numerology report with you consist of?
Numerology readings include your life path number along with the individual numbers of the months and year you are in, how the corresponding numbers work together plus any intuitive guidance that comes through during your reading. I go over what each number means and how it could potentially affect your year! Note that like oracle card readings, this is not to necessarily predict the future, but to give you an idea of the vibrations of the numbers and how they can affect your daily life, decisions, thoughts and feelings! The readings are not taken from a template or a pre-typed set of numerology meanings, they are all as unique as my clients are! Every word comes from me and my intuition. They are written up after my clients order.
Energy Healing Sessions
What is an energy healing session?
An energy healing session is one where energy work is provided to help the client restore their energy blueprint and allow them to feel better, lighter and more able to do the things they enjoy. These sessions can be done in person or remotely, as energy is fluid and has no barriers.
What is the difference between Emotion Code, Body Code, and Reiki?
Emotion Code and Body Code are a combination modality created by Dr. Bradley Nelson that helps to identify and clear trapped emotions from the body and dissolve certain toxins that are causing issues in the body. These can be done remotely using intuitive methods or in person, using magnets and a series of techniques. It can tell you where the emotion is trapped and what age it became trapped. Through a series of practices, these emotions and toxins are filtered out of the body and allows energy (Qi) to flow more freely through the body and energetic field. It is very specific and accurate.
Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that uses Universal Life Force energy to allow flow and balance with in the body. It is normally done in person and the practitioner uses their reiki on the client to provide relief. It can even help with pain and speed up recovery time.
How do I know if the energy work I have had worked?
Many people can benefit from energy healing and you can tell by how much lighter you feel. You may see improvement in your health, relationships, mental clarity, pain relief, the removal of blocks and more.
How long does it take to see results?
It depends on so many factors. I personally suggest to my clients to let the energy work integrate for a couple of days before they start to see a difference. Energy work can be instantaneous, fast, moderate, slow or take a more reoccurring approach. It can be subtle or dramatic. The truth is we never know how we will be affected, but in order to find out you must allow yourself to receive the energy that is working on your behalf.